


Welcome to the University of 新汉普郡 campus. 我们的学生,教师,员工和访客的安全和福祉始终是我们的首要关注.

我们鼓励您探索有关我们部门服务的所有信息,如校园咨询和警报, 犯罪统计数据, 预防犯罪, 受害者/见证宣传, 个人安全, 三陪服务, 和 how to report an emergency situation or other calls for service. 通过教育项目, 信息, active police 和 security presence, 我们可以实现我们的目标,即在一个有利于真正学习精神的社区中支持每个人的教育追求.

总干事. 迪安 


Are you interested in becoming a UNH Police officer, 通信调度程序, 或校园服务主任?

All these positions play a key role in our community. Our online applications can be found at 工作.usnh.edu/

If you want to learn more about the different positions check out:


Although, UNH Campus Service Officers  have police authority; however,y work very closely with University Police Officers. 所有警官都与联合国通信中心直接联系,该中心提供与警察的联系, Fire 和 Emergency Medical Units.

大学校园服务主任负责协助大学社区成员. 的y provide authorized access to University buildings after hours, 校园建筑物的保安, assisting in room lock-outs as well as building security checks.


A division of the 澳门葡京网赌游戏 警察局, UNH -通信 Center is staffed 一天24小时, by six full-time professional dispatchers. 所有全职调度员都通过了国家警察在线电信系统认证,并每年接受各种内部和专业培训.

该中心是澳门葡京网赌游戏警察局的调度中心 Town of Madbury 警察局李镇 和 马德伯里消防局Town of Barrington Fire 和 Ambulance Departments,和 麦格雷戈救护公司.


的 联合国警察部门 -Operations consists of the sworn members of the department; meaning, those employees that possess arrest powers.  Officers within Operations are assigned to either 巡逻 or 调查.  

联合国警察部门有警官与许多专门任务和单位合作, 包括: Strafford County Regional Tactical Operations Unit (SWAT)Strafford Regional Traffic Accident Reconstruction Team新汉普郡 Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task-ForceDrug Enforcement Administration's Cl和estine Lab Team新汉普郡 Information 和 Analysis Center (IAC) 和 新汉普郡 Attorney General's Drug Task-Force.  

指挥作战的是 上校. 史蒂文•李.


UNH警察检察官负责在地区法院准备和提交所有轻罪和违法级别的案件.  我们指定的法院是 7Th Circuit Court –Dover District Division.  对重罪和家庭暴力案件的起诉由最高人民法院负责 Strafford County Attorney’s Office.  UNH警察检察官将根据需要协助斯特拉福德县检察官办公室.  Felony-level cases are heard at the Strafford County Superior Court.

As the 警察局 liaison with the Courts, Prosecutor coordinates the scheduling of cases 和 witnesses, 确保所有案件都经过合法性和完整性审查, overseeing the successful 和 fair prosecution of all cases. 检察机关还在行政许可暂停听证会上提出国家证据.

联合国警察检察官是 弗兰克·威克斯船长.  Questions can be directed to him at 在这里 或拨打(603)862-1427.

You may request a copy of your arrest report.  然而,当被告要求一份逮捕报告时,该信息请求被认为是证据开示.  You will only be provided with discovery once.  要求公开资料必须以书面形式提出,并可使用记录请求表格.   

有关被捕的常见问题可在以下网址找到 我被捕了-常见问题解答.

Under the general direction of the Chief of Police, 应急管理司协调大学的应急规划举措.  该司主要负责制定和/或维护系级计划(包括应急行动计划和连续性计划),并为大学级计划(包括危机和应急管理计划)提供协助, 连续性计划, 和 Hazard Mitigation Plan) as necessary.  的 应急管理 Division may also conduct associated training, 锻炼, 和 outreach activities in support of the emergency management program.   该部门负责达勒姆、曼彻斯特和法学院校区. 

紧急情况管理司还充当与当地警察的联络人, 消防和急救部门以及当地医院的急诊科.  Serves as the liaison to State of 国土安全部 & 应急管理 as well as to Federal Partners.

该部门负责监督大学的自动体外除颤器(AED)计划.  它负责UNH物业上所有aed的放置和维护.  It also assists in the instruction of CPR 和 AEDs.  点击这里 to see on a campus map w在这里 AED's are located in each building.  To schedule AED training for occupants of your building, 给AED协调员发邮件.





For more 信息 see the UNH School of Law's Security Office 网站.   

点击 在这里 to contact the UNH法学院安全 Supervisor.

曼彻斯特大学的安全办公室是曼彻斯特大学警察局的一个部门.  Like the Campus Service Officers of the Durham Campus, UNH曼彻斯特安全 Officers are graduates of the 新汉普郡 College 和 University Campus Security Academy.

的 UNH曼彻斯特安全 Officers 不 have police authority; however,y work very closely with the 曼彻斯特警察局.

For more 信息 on the UNH曼彻斯特安全 Office see their 网站.

的 location of the UNH曼彻斯特安全 Office is:


Second Floor of  88 Commercial St

的 UNH曼彻斯特安全 Office is supervised by Security Supervisor Bruce Azotea. 


澳门葡京网赌游戏警察局的主要任务是保护生命和财产. This is accomplished through fair, consistent 和 equal enforcement, always keeping in mind the rights 和 dignity of the public.

所有政策行动的基础是法律和机构的信誉. 市民会以我们提供服务的方式来衡量我们的服务水平. We will hold all personnel to a high level of ethical practices.

This mission can be achieved through the prevention of crime, public relations 和 community policing.



承诺作为执法专业人员为澳门葡京网赌游戏社区服务, we pledge to serve the 澳门葡京网赌游戏, 建立信任和信心, 和 respond to community needs with:

尊重: 以有尊严和礼貌的态度对待所有人,并表现出对种族和文化多样性的理解, both in our professional 和 personal endeavors.

公平: 公正、体贴、同情和理解地对待所有人. Be equally responsive to our employees 和 community we serve.

完整性: We are committed to the highest performance st和ards, 道德行为, honesty 和 trustfulness in all relationships. 我们对自己的行为负责,并为所有人提供专业的服务而自豪.



澳门葡京网赌游戏警察局的存在是为了提供公共安全服务, 包括执法部门, 预防犯罪 和 suppression, 应急响应, 向澳门葡京网赌游戏社区提供调查和信息, 一天24小时, 一周中的每一天.

To exercise within the Town of Durham, 主要是在大学的财产和邻近的街道和道路上, all common law 和 statutory power of constables, except the power to serve civil process, 根据法规的规定, 条例, regulations 和 in在这里nt police power of the state.


Prior to taking the oath of office, 每名警务人员须宣誓忠实及公正地履行大学警务人员所应尽的一切职责,并尽其所能, 同意美国和新罕布什尔州宪法的规则和条例以及达勒姆镇的条例.

宣誓就职时,依照本法第四条第四款的规定.8:B of the Charter of the Town of Durham, 新汉普郡, 你将拥有权力, 执行所有刑事法律, 市镇条例, serve criminal process 和 to make arrest as prescribed by law, 和 be subject to the liabilities of such office, until another person shall be chosen 和 qualified in your stead.